Yamunanagar district came into existence on Ist November, 1989. Its area is 1,756 square kilometers, in which there are 655 villages, 441 Panchayats, 10 towns, 2 sub-divisions, 2 tehsils and 4 sub-tehsils. Before being named as Yamunanagar, it was known as Abdullapur. Large part of the district lies under the Shiwalik foothills. Sugarcane, wheat and rice are its main crops. It is an important industrial town having metal, utensil and plywood industries. Large industries like Shri Gopal Paper Mills and Saraswati Sugar Mills (biggest Sugar mill in Asia) are also located here.
Pre-independence, it was a small village with population concentrated around its railway station. After partition of India, many refugees from Punjab in Pakistan choose to make Yamunanagar their new home, and in the process adding to the culture of the town. The area where land was allocated to the refugees later developed into the Model Town area of Yamunanagar.
Location: Yamunanagar is 106 kms. from Chandigarh
Linking Roads: Situated on the National Highway No. 73
Postal Code: 135001 | Longitude: 77° 18' E | Latitude: 30° 7' N |Area: 1,756 sq. km | Altitude: 255 m | Population: 1,214,162 (Census 2011) | Literacy Rate: 78.90 % | STD Code: 01732 | Villages: 655 | Language: Hindi, English | Best season to visit: All seasons to visit.